pp108 : WS-AppServer Models

WS-AppServer Models

This topic describes WS-AppServer models.

Data models in WS-AppServer are the building blocks of an application. These are created and stored in the WS-AppServer editor. WS-AppServer provides an interface to work with these models.
WS-AppServer models are of three types:

  • Standard Class - These models are directly mapped to a database and are created when you import the database tables into WS-AppServer, using the editor. In this case, each table is transformed into a class and stored in the WS-Appserver package. An attribute in each class is mapped to a column of the database table. WS-AppServer provides a facility to group these classes into a package. The following figure represents the mapping between the columns in the database table and the generated Standard class.
  • Custom Class - Custom classes are models that are created with or without database tables. Custom classes provide flexibility in modeling data and handling business logic that cannot be built into Standard classes. You can add any new logic to the Custom classes and modify them as and when required to suit business needs. There are different types of Custom classes. For more information, see Extending the Business Logic Using Custom Classes.
  • Composite Class - Composite classes are created by combining two classes from different database tables. Composite classes are useful when you want to work with data that resides in two or more database tables. For more information, see Creating and Using Composite Classes.

Related information

Generating Application and Business Logic on Relational Data
Extending Business Logic in WS-AppServer Generated Applications
Modeling Relational Data
Managing Transactions Using WS-AppServer
WS-AppServer Reference